Summer Trip: Preliminary Notice
West Yorkshire and George Pace
Friday 27th - Sunday 29th June 2025

Scargill Chapel near Kettlewell. BD23 5HU
COST PER PERSON, in the range of £550 to £600, to be confirmed.
Following the success of last year's trip to Dumfries and Galloway we have reserved accommodation at the Scargill Movement's Community in Wharfedale. We plan to visit a mix of architectural wonders in the environs of Ripon, Skipton and Bradford. Bradford is this year's U.K. City of Culture and hopefully there will be some special architectural visits available. The wonderful chapel, and other buildings, at Scargill were designed by George Pace, (1915 - 1975) and we intend to visit several of his other works during our three-day trip.
Numbers are restricted to thirty people, and we are asking for deposits of £100 to secure a place; booking form as circulated to members (booking closed Friday 28th February 2025).