Annual General Meeting
St. Andrew's Church, Roker
Saturday 11th May 2024

Photos © Michael Johnson
This year our Annual General Meeting event included visits to two churches to compare and contrast, north of the Wear in Sunderland.

We began at St. Andrew's Church, Roker - built in 1906-7 to designs by E.S. Prior, it is widely known as the cathedral of the Arts & Crafts movement. Prior, a luminary of that movement, believed that architecture should be guided by simple design logic and the celebration of materials and workmanship although he was not above incorporating traditional elements.
Foregathering over tea/coffee in the church hall was followed by a talk on the architect and his design. The formal business meeting followed a buffet lunch (provided by Cheese & Pickle of Sunderland). A short talk about Gimson's furnishings in the church introduced an hour's free exploration and appreciation of this remarkable building.
We then travelled about a mile south geographically and several centuries back in time to St. Peter's church, Monkwearmouth, famed as one half of the Jarrow/Wearmouth monastery where Bede lived and worked. As well as significant survivals from its Anglo-Saxon origins c. 673 A.D., the present building incorporates elements from just about every century since. Some of the earlier features are echoed in Prior's design for St. Andrew's.
Attendance at the AGM and for the talks and visits, free of charge.
Optional refreshments at St. Andrew's (morning tea/coffee; lunchtime buffet) £15.00
11.00 a.m. Foregather in St. Andrew's Church Hall (tea/coffee for those who have paid for refreshments)
11.30 a.m. Talk - Dr. Michael Johnson on E.S. Prior and St. Andrew's Church
12.30 p.m. Buffet lunch in St. Andrew's Church Hall (for those who have paid for refreshments)
1.30 p.m. AGM in St. Andrew's Church Hall
2:00 - 3.15 p.m. Short talk by Stuart & Sandra Barlow on Gimson's furnishings, followed by time to explore St. Andrew's Church
3:30 p.m. (approx.) Visit to St. Peter's Church, Monkwearmouth, guided by the Chairman