Saturday 31st May 2014
Edinburgh Old Town

A day trip featuring a visit to Riddle's Court and other historic buildings in Edinburgh and Leith.
Partly guided by John Sanders of Simpson and Brown.
Ticket price £25.00 including lunch and other refreshments
Riddle's Court was brought to our attention by a member who had learnt that a programme of major restoration will commence this year. He suggested that we should visit prior to the works and visit again once the project is complete. The Court is an A-listed former merchant's house near to Edinburgh Castle at the top of the Royal Mile. The building has considerable cultural significance with rooms containing architectural features from its 400 years of history and historic connections with King James VI and Patrick Geddes amongst many others. It is owned by the Scottish Historic Buildings Trust.
Following lunch traveled to the Royal Botanic Gardens which has several historic buildings including a palm house that is under restoration. We finished the trip in Leith with a guided tour of St Ninian's Manse which now houses the offices of Simpson and Brown Conservation Architects, and arrived back in Newcastle for 8.00pm after a very enjoyable day - it was even hot and sunny!
Download the booking form as a PDF.